Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What should I do if I suspect I am pregnant?

The first thing most women do is run out and buy a home pregnancy testing kit. A pregnancy test checks your blood or urine for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) a hormone that is produced only in pregnancy.

If you use two tests you will have a higher rate of accuracy than using only one. Although today's do-it-yourself pregnancy tests are advanced, a laboratory test will still be more accurate. It is a good idea to make an appointment with your doctor so that the pregnancy can be confirmed by ultrasound and you can discuss your concerns and the lifestyle changes you would need to consider to ensure the safety of your baby.

The minute you suspect you are pregnant you should begin prenatal care and avoid things in your environment that could be hazardous to the baby. You should be eating a healthy diet while avoiding foods that could prove harmful. You should maintain or modify your exercise routine taking into account your pregnancy.

Early pregnancy symptoms include:
* Positive pregnancy test
* Missed menstrual period
* Breast changes
* Fullness, bloating or an ache in the lower abdomen
* Fatigue and drowsiness
* Feeling faint
* Nausea
* Vomiting
* Frequent urination
* Increased vaginal secretions

Some women experience one or more of these symptoms while others experience few symptoms, if any. Every pregnancy is different and every experience of pregnancy is different.


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